• Por Antonio Méndez



Album Review from AlohaPopRock-AlohaCriticon

Forever Changes is a masterpiece of pop music. Arthur Lee, the leader of the californian band Love, shows his quirky and surreal worldview with masterly songs of quivering acoustic textures folk rock/jangle pop and psychedelic sounds with strokes of electric acid rock. The enchanting pop melodies are sublimated by his sensitive voice.

Bryan MacLean write two beautiful songs, Old Man, delicate ballad about a wise old person, and Alone Again Or, the most popular song in the album with mariachi trumpet.

With wonderful orchestral arrangements, the LP, like their previous Da Capo or their next Four Sail, doesn’t have a bad track on it. Highly recommended.

Click here to read the AlohaPopRock-AlohaCriticon Review in spanish


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